Points System The UGA Chapter is no longer requiring points for general membership! Points are still relevant under two circumstances. If you want to be considered for an Executive Board position, you will need a minimum of five points. If you are a graduating Senior and would like a graduation cord at no cost, then you will need a minimum of five points. If you have the points and are an official member, Psi Chi will cover the cost of the cord. If you do not earn five points and still want a cord, you will have to cover the cost. Earning Points: The best way to earn points is by attending our meetings! Each meeting you attend counts as one point. Sometimes, there are opportunities to earn points in other ways, like by donating goods or participating in one of our fundraisers. We will post about these opportunities, if they become available. If you have any questions about the system or want to know how many points you have, reach out to our Secretary (mar73406@uga.edu).