Process for accessing services:
Call the Psychology Clinic at 706-542-1173.
If we are not accepting new clients, then you will be placed on a waiting list and will be contacted when we are scheduling intake appointments. If we are accepting new clients, then you will be scheduled for an initial 1-hour appointment with one of our intake clinicians.
The intake appointment is free of charge and used to determine if our clinic’s resources can meet your needs and to answer any questions you may have. If it is mutually determined that our clinic is a good fit for your needs and we have an appropriate therapist available, then you will be assigned a therapist who will call you directly to schedule a first session. If we do not have availability or it is determined that other resources would be more helpful to you, appropriate referrals will be provided.
While providing quality services and facilities is expensive, it is the policy of the Psychology Clinic to work with clients regardless of their income. Your fee is set using a sliding scale that takes into account your income and family size. The Psychology Clinic does not accept medical insurance. Payment is generally due at the time of service.
Process for accessing services:
Call the Psychology Clinic at 706-542-1173.
If we are not scheduling assessments, then you can ask to be placed on the waiting list and will be contacted when we are scheduling assessments. If we are scheduling assessments, then you will leave your name and phone number with the Administrative Associate.
One of our clinicians will contact you to complete a brief phone interview to determine if the Psychology Clinic is the best place to meet your needs. The phone interview is free of charge. If it is determined that other resources would be more helpful to you, then appropriate referrals will be provided. If it is determined that our clinic is a good fit for your needs, then the clinician who will conduct your assessment will contact you to schedule a date and time for the assessment.
Psychological evaluations of children are charged at a flat rate fee of $1200. Adult psychodiagnostic assessments are charged at a flat rate fee of $300. Adult ADHD assessments are charged at a flat rate fee of $1000. The Psychology Clinic does not accept medical insurance. Payment is generally due at the time of service.