Affective science is the study of affective processes (e.g., emotion, stress, motivation) in the lives of individuals, groups, organizations, and cultures. Faculty in this area use a variety of methods (e.g., fMRI, EEG/ERPs, peripheral psychophysiology, ecological momentary assessment) to study affective processes in normative and clinical populations, as well as workplaces. Faculty Malissa Clark Malissa Clark researches under the broad topic of employee well-being. Her study topics include workaholism, work-family conflict, women at work, and the effects of mood/emotions on individual and workplace outcomes. Program affiliation: Industrial-Organizational Psychology Work and Family Experience Research Lab Brian Haas Brian Haas is focused on understanding individual differences in social and affective functioning in humans by using a multi-modal approach. He is interested in understanding the pathways in the brain, social behavior and culture. In his laboratory, a multi-modal approach is used that includes genetics, brain-imaging, personality assessment, social-behavioral experiments and cultural assessments. The primary objective of this research is to better understand the factors contributing to, and associated with, individual differences in the way people think and process their social world. Program affiliation: Behavioral and Brain Sciences Gene-Brain-Social Behavior Laboratory Dean Sabatinelli Dean Sabatinelli is interested in defining the brain mechanisms involved in the discrimination of emotional stimuli, and specifically how the recruited cortical and subcortical structures are orchestrated in real time. In addition to basic science, a major goal is to understand how these dynamic mechanisms contribute to disorders of emotion. Program affiliation: Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Neuroscience Georgia Emotion Neuro-Imaging Laboratory Anne Shaffer Anne Shaffer studies social and emotional processes in families and close relationships. Her research primarily focuses on the emotional context of parenting, including emotion socialization and communication, and emotional maltreatment, as well as emotion regulation as a predictor of parenting behavior. This research extends to clinical applications in treatment and prevention settings. Program affiliation: Clinical Psychology, Behavioral and Brain Sciences FRESH (Family Relationships, Emotions, Stress and Health) Laboratory Greg Strauss Greg Strauss focuses on the phenomenology, etiology, assessment, and treatment of negative symptoms (i.e., anhedonia, avolition, asociality, blunted affect, alogia) in individuals with schizophrenia and youth at clinical high-risk for psychosis (i.e., those with prodromal syndromes). He uses a multi-modal approach to studying affective and reward processing mechanisms underlying negative symptoms, including EEG/ERPs, eye tracking, digital phenotyping, and fMRI. Program affiliation: Clinical Psychology, Neuroscience Clinical Affective Neuroscience Laboratory Cindy Suveg Cindy Suveg directs the Development and Psychopathology Lab, with the goal to conduct research that can help foster healthy development in children and families from diverse sociodemographic backgrounds. To that end, our research examines risk and protective processes in typically- and atypically-developing youth and their families using a multi-level, multi-method assessment strategy (behavioral observations, physiological assessment, ecological momentary assessment). Program affiliation: Clinical Psychology Development and Psychopathology Lab Lawrence Sweet Lawrence Sweet integrates multimodal neuroimaging and neuropsychological assessments to examine brain-behavior relationships in clinical and at-risk populations (e.g., addictions, cardiovascular disease, early life adversity, aging). The Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory (CNS Lab) specializes in experimental design, and data acquisition, analyses, and interpretation for studies that employ functional magnetic resonance imaging, structural morphometry, and white matter lesion quantification. The CNS Lab is responsible for data analyses and consultation for several local and multi-site NIH-funded research studies. Program affiliation: Clinical Psychology, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Neuroscience Laboratory: Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory