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Doctoral Program Photos

Students in the Industrial-Organizational Psychology Program at UGA are invited to join IOPSA (Industrial-Organizational Psychology Student Association), a unique feature of our program that aims to ensure a high quality of student life. In conjunction with the faculty, IOPSA plays a major role in helping our program function smoothly. As members of IOPSA, we serve our program by helping recruit talented graduate students to our program, organizing networking socials with our broad alumni base, planning frequent social events for students and faculty at Athens’ many lively locales, and regularly arranging research and career talks with individuals in various lines of work related to Industrial-Organizational Psychology. It is our belief that IOPSA plays an integral role in our career development as well as our social development as graduate students at the University of Georgia.

I-O Group in front of Psychology Building

I-O group at a restaurant

I-O Group at the Burnt Out Book Club

I-O Group playing Pickleball

I-O group at the 2023 Christmas Party

I-O Psychology Department Award Winners

I-O Grad Students with Dr. Paul Sackett

IO Students posing in front of Georgia Theatre. GO DAWGS!

Cohort at UGA game

I-O Group holding handmade blankets

Cohort Christmas Party

Cohort Christmas 4



Dr. Eby



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We appreciate your financial support. Your gift is important to us and helps support critical opportunities for students and faculty alike, including lectures, travel support, and any number of educational events that augment the classroom experience. Click here to learn more about giving.

Every dollar given has a direct impact upon our students and faculty.