Professor Emerita Education Ph.D., Louisiana State University Research Interests My research focuses on the causes, consequences, and prevention of sexual aggression. This encompasses two general areas: 1) the victims of sexual aggression, especially consequences such as PTSD and risk of revictimization, and 2) the characteristics of sexually aggressive men, including personality, attitudes and social behavior. A major project recently completed evaluated a prevention program designed to reduce the risk of revictimization. Related work on prevention as well as basic processes such as memory and attention is underway. Selected Publications Bernat, J.A., Ronfeldt, H., Calhoun, K.S., & Arias, I. (1998) Prevalence of traumatic events and peritraumatic predictors of posttraumatic stress symptoms in a nonclinical sample of college students. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 11, 645-663. Bernat, J.A., Calhoun, K.S., & Stolp, S. (1998) Sexually aggressive men's responses to a date rape analogue: Alcohol as a disinhibiting factor. Journal of Sex Research, 35, 341-348. Bernat, J.A., Wilson, A., & Calhoun, K.S. (1999) Sexual coercion history, calloused sexual beliefs and judgments of sexual coercion in a date rape analogue. Violence and Victims, 14, 1-14. Wilson, A., Calhoun, K.S., & Bernat, J.A. (1999) Risk recognition and trauma-related symptoms among sexually re-victimized women. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67, 705-710. Bernat, J.A., Calhoun, K.S., & Adams, H.E. (1999) Sexually aggressive and nonaggressive men: Sexual arousal and judgments in response to date rape and consensual analogues.Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 108, 662-673. Kimerling, R., Calhoun, K.S., Forehand, R.L., Armistead, L., Morse, E., Simon, P., & Clark, R. (1999) Traumatic stress in HIV-infection in women. AIDS Education and Prevention, 11 (4), 321-330. Clum, G.A., Calhoun, K.S., & Kimerling, R. (2000) Symptoms of depression and PTSD and associations among self-reported health in sexually assaulted women. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 188, 671-678. Calhoun, K.S., & Wilson, A.E. (2000) Rape and sexual aggression. In L. Szuchman & F. Muscarella (Eds.), Psychological Perspectives on Human Sexually. New York: Wiley & Sons. 573-602. Resick, P.A. & Calhoun, K.S. (2001) Posttraumatic stress disorder. In D.H. Barlow, (Ed.) Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders (Third Edition) New York: Guilford Press. Marx, B.P., Calhoun, K.S., Wilson, A.E., & Meyerson, L. (2001) Sexual revictimization prevention: An outcome evaluation.Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69, 25-32. Corbin, W.R., Bernat, J.A., Calhoun K.S., McNair, L.D., & Seals, K. (2001) The role of alcohol expectancies and alcohol consumption among sexually victimized and nonvictimized college women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 16, 297-311. Clum, G.A., Nishith, P., & Calhoun K.S. (2002) A preliminary investigation of alcohol use during trauma and peritraumatic reactions in female sexual assault victims. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 15, 321-338. Wilson, A.E., Calhoun, K.S., & McNair, L.D. (2002) Alcohol consumption and expectancies among sexually coercive college men. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 17, 1145-1159. Mentoring Philosophy Development of research skills is fostered through collaborative work with graduate students beginning with involving them in ongoing team projects in the first year and assisting them in developing increasingly independent projects. Research meetings are held weekly. Mentoring is aimed at giving students the skills they will need for success in academic and research careers. This includes writing for journal publication and grants. Almost all students are successful in publishing their work during their graduate tenure. Clinical Interests Clinical work is with a general adult population who have a wide variety of disorders. Victims of violence and abuse are a special focus. Clinical practicum training focuses on empirically supported treatment approaches and includes weekly team meetings, weekly individual supervision meetings, and extensive use of videotape and live observation.