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Lawrence Sweet

Blurred image of the arch used as background for stylistic purposes.
Gary R. Sperduto Professor in Clinical Psychology
Director, Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory (CNS Lab)
Doctoral Program Faculty:
- Clinical Psychology Program
- Behavioral and Brain Sciences Program
- Neuroscience Program
Dr. Sweet will not be reviewing applications for fall 2025 graduate admissions



Ph.D., Clinical Psychology (Neuropsychology), Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science

Postdoctoral Fellowship, Clinical Neuropsychology, Brown University

Other Affiliations

Fellow, Owens Institute for Behavioral Research

Research Interests

I examine brain-behavior relationships in clinical populations using cognitive and affective neuroscience techniques, particularly multimodal neuroimaging and neuropsychological assessments. My FMRI work includes paradigm development with a focus on clinically relevant constructs (e.g., objective assessments of subjective states, prediction of treatment outcome). Recent studies include the use of functional neuroimaging markers to predict smoking, alcohol, and opiate cessation outcome; functional, structural and prefusion MRI correlates of cognitive function in cardiovascular disease; the effects of early life stress on adult cognitive function; cue reactivity in obesity and nicotine dependence; and working memory and information processing speed in subcortical disease processes.

Current research

Research Approaches

  • Neuropsychological Assessment
  • Functional Neuroimaging
  • Structural Morphometry

Research Content areas

  • Substance use and treatment outcomes
  • Outcomes of chronic stress and adversity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Aging


Of Note


Research Interests:

Dr. Sweet is Director of the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory (CNS-Lab).  It is a neuroimaging data analysis and neuropsychological assessment laboratory affiliated with the Clinical Psychology and Brain and Behavioral Science Programs in the Department of Psychology and the interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program at UGA. The CNS-Lab integrates multimodal neuroimaging and neuropsychological assessments with other clinical research methodology to examine brain-behavior relationships. The CNS-Lab specializes in experimental design, and data acquisition, analyses, and interpretation for clinical and non-clinical studies that employ functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), perfusion MRI (arterial spin labeling techniques), and structural morphometry (e.g., volumetrics, cortical thickness, lesion quantification). The CNS-Lab is responsible for data analyses and consultation for several local and multi-site clinical research studies.

Current research

Research Approaches

  • Neuropsychological Assessment
  • Functional Neuroimaging
  • Structural Morphometry

Research Content areas

  • Substance use and treatment outcomes (tobacco, vaping, alcohol, opiates)
  • Outcomes of chronic stress and adversity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Aging

See Curriculum Vitae Above

Selected Publications:
Articles Featuring Lawrence Sweet

Congratulations to four faculty members in the Department of Psychology who have recently received national grant awards! Keep up the great work!

Graduate Students in My Lab

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